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What are Georgia laws for an adult dating.
PA Law: Adult Minor Dating - FreeAdvice.
The ages of consent in North America for sexual activity vary by jurisdiction. The age of consent in Canada is 16. All U.S. states set their limits between 16 and 18.
I am dating a 20 year old soon to be 21 and I am 15. We are not have sex we are just Originally Posted by baby4egurl420 I am dating a 20 year old soon to be 21
My friend told me about this site and i hope i can get some help from it. I need help Your boyfriend could be arrested for statutory rape if he and you engaged in
What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? Pennsylvania Hi, I apologize in advance if I am posting in the incorrect area for this subject matter,
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indiana laws minors dating adults
13.04.2009 · Best Answer: First, how old is the adult and how old is the minor? Statutory rape laws are designed to protect 14 year olds from 45 year olds, not to
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Indianapolis Indiana Dating Ages of consent in North America.
