Does cymbalta make you sleepy or more awake

Does cymbalta make you sleepy or more awake
Does cymbalta make you sleepy or more awake
cymbalta? does it work for anyone.
Fibromyalgia "I've been taking 60 milligrams of Cymbalta for 3 weeks, and I have no unpleasant side " · "I have been taking 30 mgs. of cymbalta for 3 months

Does Cymbalta Make You Drowsy - Online.
How Long Does It Last? - ARE YOU NEW.
Does taking Lexapro make you sleepy - The.
Answer Oh yea!! I worked really good but it made me sleepy, I could have slept all day if I had the oppourtunity. I was having panic attacks in my sleep which would
the next med for neuro pain i am to try is cymbalta, anyone have any luck with it. any intolerable side effects. does it help you sleep, and does it make you to
Fibromyalgia "I'm glad I found this message board. I first started taking Cymbalta 3 years ago, and " · "Thank you for reaffirming that I am not the only one
Does tea make you sleepy or more awake?.
Page 1 of 3 - How Long Does It Last? - posted in ARE YOU NEW HERE? Words from the wise about Cymbalta: Thank goodness for this website! I thought I was going crazy. I
20.10.2007 · Best Answer: well depending of the tea some tea calms you down and relaxes you while you are trying to go to bed, so it helps you sleep. like green tea
Does Cymbalta Make You Drowsy: I was just interested in hearing other people's experience with this drug. I just started taking it and it makes me pretty View topic - Does Cymbalta Cause Weight. Does taking Lexapro make you sleepy - The.
Cymbalta and nausea - how long does it. .